Destiny 2 - Raid - Root of Nightmares - Normal

Fight the Past

Red Border run. Fun and considerate Guardians, please. Join Discord and provide Bungie name BEFORE start so I do not miss you.

Mic required
No level required
5 Players / 6
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Meykelle Meykelle#4682

fun first and foremost, collector, parent, sherpa, pve, pronounced "michael"!

pve, pvp, profanity ok, parent, raider

Mordac Mordac#2816

titan, pve, warlock, microphone, hunter

Buckhombre Buckhombre#5776

shoot shit, don't die, thats a wipe, t bag as necessary

LowVisibility LowVisibility#9041

pc, profanity ok, casual, sports, technology, reading

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