• Activity Score: 2727
  • No Show Rate: 0%
  • Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Usually plays Weekday Afternoons and Weekends UTC
  • Avg. Weekly Hours: 10+
  • Xbox Profile Xbox Live Profile

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  • 05:00 PM PDT - SUN 10/06
  • Xbox
  • 700 Ways to Die
  • Mic required
  • 6 Players / 6
  • 1 waitlist
  • 1 reserve

Same group as of 9/30/24 , neofile os going to try to get a verity checkpoint , if not we can start from the top and get there quick :

Recent Games

encounter by encounter for guardian rank... be chill have fun have at least XP from running normal.

Master challenge, Master Witness to get that rank 11, or random raid encounter triumph. I'm fine with whatever. Group can decide at game time.

for guardian rank, no challenges just run through one or two encounters. Please have experience in normal encounters. run for 2 hours or more if like last week...



parent, xbox ambassador


pve, pvp, adult, microphone, profanity ok

A Mad Bloke

hunter, titan, warlock

parent, pve, casual, warlock, titan, microphone

pve, parent, profanity ok, hunter, raider

xbox one, adult, pvp, 305 hunter, 305 warlock, 305 titan

Bd Zet

hunter warlock, profanity ok, pve, pvp, parent, raider

BigSteyfo007 / Stefan

pvp, raider, mayhen clash, sherpa, dutch/german/english, adults only


hunter celestial, titan 335, warlock 335, play day time, play night time, uk based