Destiny 2 - Raid - Salvation's Edge - Master

Seven of the IX

Need some help finishing the last 2 challenges before the end of the year, so I can get the pin. Will do any others the group wants/needs along the way. Start time flexible

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No level required
5 Players / 6
1 Reserve
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lane_ave_jake LaneAveJake#6895

sherpa, profanity ok, ps4, microphone

JelyFisch JelyFisch#7597

fair weather sherpa, profanity ok, hunter masterclass, raid runner, crucible target

dr_boneus dr_boneus#0403

pve, sherpa, all raids/all jobs, you can call me doc, shader collector, hive's bane

dvntsvnt deviant#2327

legen ... wait for it ... dary, rivensbane, kingslayer, kellbreaker, sherpa, wish ender

Buckhombre Buckhombre#5776

shoot shit, don't die, thats a wipe, t bag as necessary

Reserve / Backups: [?]

reserve #1

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