Direct Action is an English-speaking Destiny 2 clan. We are an open and helpful community towards all players.
Here's what we do.
- Sherpas
- Regular teaching raids aimed at new raiders
- Regular raid clearances runs
- Regular dungeons
- We can help new members in all content
- The100io group with Discord integration
- A vibrant Discord community full of good people
If you are interested in joining us for any games, please join the Discord. All links are provided above! We look forward to seeing you, Guardian.
Upcoming Games
- 12:00 PM PST - WED 02/12
- PC
- Direct Action
- Mic required
- 3 Players / 6
The Vault of Yaaaaasss. That's right this raid is LGBTQ as all hell. Bring your gayest loadout sweetie, we're going to stomp bigots.
Coach#8533 Coach#8533 40
Fragkenstein 40
sensei863 40
Group Sherpas
EvelynWeary, Createx, Skyfire117, BlackxDahlia, Fr4ntic, HelloKai, Bidiot, TangoStari, Nix#9366, NansHairyLeg, Zesty, TheAlpacalypse, ZerOxShadows, kommissar, Jude#5317, quantumg, AlexWithAChance, _Riverfight_, Rodrigo Bloodharvest, Coach#8533