I'm a wanna be Sith Lord with two young apprentices by my side. Always down to kill shit, and I always got your six.
- Activity Score: 85
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Male 20 Years Old
- Pacific Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekday Mornings and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours: 10+
- Profanity OK
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microphone, sporadic playing times, xbox one
defender, sunsinger, mic, sporadic playing times, nightstalker
adult, raids, nightfall, pvp, profanity ok
warlock, hunter, titan
titan, warlock, hunter
kings fall raider, oryx relic runner, hunter, challenges
fun, run, gaze, relic, sword
titan, warlock, hunter, raider, collector
pve, adult, profanity ok