Trying to do more raids. I'm typically on weekdays between ~10:00 and ~16:00 UTC. Profanity, piss taking, and patience preferred.
- Activity Score: 112
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Male 44 Years Old
- Dublin
- Usually plays Weekday Afternoons and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours: 10+
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destiny stuff.....
profanity ok, pve, pvp, parent, raider
profanity welcomed, pvp, pve, parent, chill
profanity ok, pvp, strikes farming, microphone, pve, ps4
hunter, titan, microphone, sporadic playing times, warlock
ps4, weekly challenges, sporadic playing times
hunter, warlock, titan, mic, ps4
pc, ps5, microphone, warlock, profanity ok, bungie name: adrunkdodrio#0676
dayjob, easy going, profanity ok, pve, warlock, call me tm
titan, hunter, raider, play 20+ hours a week, college students, parents