Love playing myself some Destiny! Raids, Nightfalls, Strikes, and some Challenge of Elders! PvP is always on the table too, from classic to trials to Iron Banner. Door is open to anything. Won't shy away from anything, so let's go!
- Activity Score: 353
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Male 28 Years Old
- Eastern Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekdays Latenight and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours:
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arcstrider, sentinel, max grimoire, challenge mode, profanity ok, pve
warlock, defender, titan, relaxed raider, pve, sherpa in training
microphone, everything:/, parent
love creative profanity, kansas city, dude, positive attitude
mic, hunter, warlock, titan, profanity ok, xbox one
raider, weekly challenges, striker, sherpa
super raider, thousand nades a night, drinkin ok, texan !, call me uncle fed, yee haw
profanity ok, pve, parent