Bungie name Hammertime#8416
PSN is Hamurtime
- Activity Score: 96
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Other 40 Years Old
- Mountain Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekdays Latenight and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours:
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parent, pve, profanity ok, just like to have a buzz and a good time. nothing serious
50+ wrath of machine hm completions, 175+ kings fall hm clears, sherpa, parent of 2 teenagers. please pray for me, no profanity, 50+ crota end hm completions
technology, hardcore, sports, play 10+ hours a week, pc, casual
titan, warlock, pve, parent, hunter
father.....hunter main, titan often, warlock barely
parent, profanity ok, pve, pvp, hooray beer, raider
profanity ok, raid, young adult
hunter, warlock, parent, pve, ps4, titan
student, profanity ok, pve, pvp, raid vet.