D1 Alpha/Beta Player. Father, Gamer, Geek, MST, PC/PS5 - PVE/PVP
- Activity Score: 1703
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Male
- Mountain Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekdays Latenight and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours: 10+
- Steam Profile
Upcoming Games
Recent Games
New Gaming Session
Upcoming Games
- 11:00 PM PST - THU 07/13
- Mic required
- 6 Players / 6
- 7 waitlist
- 7 reserves
- MacFapper 40
- Yall_Need_Jesus0 40
- Mofrealty 40
- kaze369 40
- Xrespect91 40
- Brandnewbaby 40
- IconicBj3y 40 waitlist #1
- Ele#4846 40 waitlist #2
- MeJaNSoldier23 40 waitlist #3
- Bob-leigh Bob-Leigh#4657 25 waitlist #4
- Sainteditor 40 waitlist #5
- zipman_13 zipman_13#5834 20 waitlist #6
- GRNDZERO EMP 40 waitlist #7
- Jace_Mac#5177 40 reserve #1
- OptimusPrime 40 reserve #2
- WrpdHumr Wrpdhumr#0820 40 reserve #3
- Xx_rabbi 40 reserve #4
- hanktt007 hanktt007#0396 40 reserve #5
- Vreegval 40 reserve #6
- AdverseAction AdverseAction#6536 40 reserve #7
Recent Games
- 01:00 PM PST - SUN 12/15
- Xbox
- Everyday Player In Combat
- Mic required
- 2 Players / 6
For the guardian rank. Be chill, run as far as possible,
titan, warlock, pve, parent, hunter
sherpa, here to help, here to have fun, warlock, titan, hunter
raider, all classes, parent, microphone
microphone, raider
worst player of all time, raid rookie, frequent passenger of the strugglebus
titan, profanity ok, microphone required, adults only, play 10+ hours a week, casual player
profanity & drinking ok, chill, raid, pvp, pve, pc
raid rookie, profanity ok, pve, pvp, warlock
sherpa, pve, profanity ok
hunter/titan/warlock, mic, raid, pve, parent, sherpa