- Activity Score: 3596
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Central Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekdays Latenight and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours: 10+
- Profanity OK
PSN Profile
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Upcoming Games
- 04:30 PM PST - FRI 02/14
- Red Rover
- Mic required
- 5 Players / 6
Chill Raid for red border.
Gamermark28 40
Realscotian6302 40
zeiszie123 40
bigbruh2002 40
Recent Games
- 11:00 AM PST - SUN 02/09
- Red Rover
- Mic required
- 6 Players / 6
- 3 waitlist
- 1 reserve
Templar Farm for Red borders.
Gamermark28 40
GreatOne1123 40
DeathGiver DeathGiver#5842 40
fulminatedaegis fulminatedaegis#1141 40
deathbiSnu_Snu 40
MurcSpyder 40
bigbruh2002 40 waitlist #1
ANARCHY_ALVY 25 waitlist #2
JARVIS_AI JARVIS#5741 40 waitlist #3
GrimMaster777 GrimMaster777 40 reserve #1
- 06:00 AM PST - SUN 02/09
- Bravo Company 638
- Mic required
- 5 Players / 6
Lets give it a go. If PSN is working of course.
bcoop7 bcoop7#1884 40
Drkaeo 40
Generalfoo 40
WebMech WebMech#8637 40
bigbruh2002 40
- 04:30 PM PST - SAT 02/08
- Red Rover
- Mic required
- 6 Players / 6
- 3 waitlist
Chill Raid for deepsight weapons
Gamermark28 40
Tekim-_- Tekim-_-#4085 40
GrndThftAutobot GrndThftAutobot#4479 40
fulminatedaegis fulminatedaegis#1141 40
deathbiSnu_Snu 40
DeathGiver DeathGiver#5842 40
MurcSpyder 40 waitlist #1
bigbruh2002 40 waitlist #2
JARVIS_AI JARVIS#5741 40 waitlist #3
- 03:00 PM PST - SAT 02/08
- The Smoking Orbs
- Mic required
- 6 Players / 6
- 1 waitlist
Farm Templar for red borders. Spot reserved for Razar.
Iguana_Don 40
Razar627 40
grafx510 40
Clagg12 40
bigbruh2002 40
ChromeNite ChromeNite#1406 40 waitlist #1
- 03:30 PM PST - THU 02/06
- The Smoking Orbs
- Mic required
- 6 Players / 6
- 2 waitlist
Red border/Deepsight weapon(s)run....
Razar627 40
Drlego 40
Ronin-Wrath_952 Ronin-Wrath_952 20
Mazard4t2 Mazard4t2#8476 30
Iguana_Don 40
bigbruh2002 40 waitlist #1
ANARCHY_ALVY 25 waitlist #2
sherpa, 385 warlock, 385 hunter, 385 titan, raiding
pve, pvp, parent, married, ps4
warlock (335), hunter (335), relic runner, 自慰は狂気に繋がる
experienced raider, titan, hunter, sherpa, warlock, microphone
titan, microphone, ps4
pvp, pve, ps4, hunter
ps4, microphone, warlock, titan, hunter