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Welcome to Confluence! This group was orignially formed by players from Confluence Gaming and covers all three major platforms; PC, PS4 and...
No one looks here anymore
Most members live in the Eastern Time (US & Canada) time zone. Our average age is 31. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!
Our average age is 34. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!
Our average age is 26. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!
Our average age is 38. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!
Most members live in the Eastern Time (US & Canada) time zone. Our average age is 39. Most of us prefer no profanity. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!
Most members live in the Eastern Time (US & Canada) time zone. Our average age is 14. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!
We are a small group of friends who enjoy playing Destiny and other games. We vary in age and included both guys...
Most members live in the Singapore time zone. Our average age is 18. Most of us prefer to play crucible / pvp. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!
Most members live in the Central Time (US & Canada) time zone. Our average age is 24. Most of us are college students. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!
Most members live in the Edinburgh time zone. Our average age is 16. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!
Most members live in the Sydney time zone. Our average age is 19. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!
Clan Page: We're a clan that uses cosmic superpowers to conjure exotic loot* out of our enemies. Occasionally we try to...
We are a group of casual players who like to have fun and get it done. We will be carrying the group...
Our average age is 38. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!
Chill group playing for fun. If you don't take yourself too seriously, then we're your clan!
Most members live in the Edinburgh time zone. Our average age is 23. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!
Most members live in the Arizona time zone. Our average age is 35. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!
We are a semi-serious group of players, mostly in the Pacific Time (US & Canada) timezone. Our average age is 22. Headsets/...