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We are a like minded group of guardians who have a common goal of having a real life and playing Destiny. To...

Most members live in the Eastern Time (US & Canada) time zone. Our average age is 18. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

You want to do raids or strikes I'm here to help So gear up & let's get it done Feel free to...

Alpha Company 299 is the best group to find if your looking to do several activities in Destiny. Just Remember to have...

Our average age is 27. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

Our average age is 21. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

Our average age is 45. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

Our average age is 48. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

Casual | Mic strongly preferred | Join our clan!

We are a casual group of guardians who know when to get serious and know how to get the job done. We...

Most members live in the London time zone. Our average age is 38. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

We will be doing Raids, Nightfall Strikes, Iron Banner, Trails of Osiris. Prison of Elders as well as Other cool Destiny Gameplay....

Get ready for some Crucible. Be nice to each other but not the other team. There is no mercy in the Crucible....

We are here to help. If you need help, or are looking to help, you're in the right place. If that sounds...

Welcome to Echo Company 67 We are a casual group of guardians who usually play between 06:00 PM EST and 12:00 AM...

Most members live in the Eastern Time (US & Canada) time zone. Our average age is 28. Most of us are parents. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

Most members live in the Central Time (US & Canada) time zone. Our average age is 20. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

aimloos-Gaming is a multi-national community based in the European zone. We are a mix of D1 veterans and new players, that like...

Small core group of destiny vets looking to increase our numbers with like minded, good humored people. We don’t take ourselves too...

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