avg. age:
mics required
- most members are
time zone.
We are a casual group of players, mostly in the London timezone. Our average age is 32. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!
Note from group mod:
🙉This group has chosen to make all games private.
This group has chosen to make all chat private
Click the "Members" tab at the top to view all group members.
they'll see your email
Copy and paste this blurb on forums:
Destiny Forums | Destiny FireTeams Subreddit
When you set your group to public, we'll help automatically fill it with like minded people!
We're trying to create a chill, friendly community for people who like teamwork, having fun, and helping each other. In order to be included in our public group search, public groups must agree to the following:
I agree to accept all community members who match my group's criteria, regardless of their race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
For public groups, we'll automatically match your group with likeminded people looking for a group just like yours.
If you mark your group private, we'll disable this, hide your games and chat from public view, and all new members will require your approval before joining.
You can switch back to a public group at any time.
Sherpas are high level players who are willing to help other members through the tough stuff like raids and nightfalls. They're friendly and patient with noobs, so don't be afraid to ask them for help!
To become a sitewide sherpa, go to My Account > View Profile, click "add/ remove tags", and add "sherpa" as a tag. Then visit Sherpa HQ to learn more and rank up.
To be listed as a group sherpa, do the above then contact your moderator and they can promote you to a group sherpa.
You become a mod by increasing your Activity Score above approx 50 if there are no mods, or above approx 70 if there already is a mod (NOTE: it slowly increases over time otherwise eventually everyone would become a mod. You may need more than 50 or 70 points if the group has existed for a long time). Once you do, you'll see a "become mod" link at the top of your group's page. Click that and boom: you're a mod. Groups are limited to a max of 3 mods.
Increase your activity score by posting gaming sessions (2 points), joining gaming sessions (1 point), and spreading the word about the site using this customized link in forums, social media, etc. (5 points):
If you see anyone trying to game the system or posting fake gaming sessions, go to their profile and click "report user" to notify us.
As a mod, you're the friendly face of your group. Welcome new members in chat, and help them figure out how to post or join their first game. Keep the group activity high by creating and joining games as often as you can. You can also pick a nickname for your group and add latest news to the top of the page. Lastly, you can kick any members if they have 5 or more reports (report a user by clicking "report user" on their profile).
Sherpas are experienced players who are willing to help out less experienced players with the tougher stuff like Vault of Glass, Nightfall strikes, etc.
Check this box if you're offering to be the sherpa for this gaming session, helping newer players through this level for the first time. You can also post a link to your gaming session on www.reddit.com/r/fireteams so others can join.
If you haven't yet, join a group by clicking "Join Group" at the top of the page. If you're already in a group, click "My Group" at the top of the page to go to your group.
Introduce yourself in the chat, for example "Hey guys, just joined and excited to start raiding!" or "SALUTATIONS FELLOW INTERNET FRIENDS!" if you want to sound like a weirdo.
Click the blue "new gaming session" button to post your next gaming session. Try to post it at least a day in advance so people have time to join. When it's gametime, you have to manually invite everyone using xbox/psn.
It'll automatically email all members when you post a gaming session, so don't double post or create fake gaming sessions.
Even if it's not your preferred activity or time, join a game in your group to start getting to know the other people and keep your group activity high. Then those people will join your game later when you need a full raid team. If it's gametime and you haven't recieved an invite, message the group creator thru xbox/ psn and ask them to invite you.
You can also leave and join a group at anytime, so if you don't like your group click browse groups and find one you like better.
If you see anyone trying to game the system or posting fake gaming sessions, go to their profile and click "report user" to notify us.
New at this? Don't sweat it. We were all beginners once. Sure, none of us were probably ever as bad as you, but don't beat yourself up about it. Instead...
These groups have volunteers, called "Sherpas", who will help you learn the raids in a friendly, no pressure environment. Click the blue "join" button at the top then hop in a game!
If the game is full, players who join the Waitlist are next in line for invites if there is a no-show. The waitlist # is the order they joined the waitlist and the order you should invite them in.
Reserve/ Backup players aren't expecting or waiting in line to play, but they wanted to let you know they're available if you need an extra. Make sure to invite all the waitlist players first.