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Bring Zima - HyperOrange13
The Menu is your friend - JCKellner
The Answer is more Tire Iron - mjm6739
Zima, scones, raisins, Fireforks, muchachos/mechanos, Sangria/Sagira and velvet Star Trek captains... pretty much in that order... and yet the herd thins...
TRIALS -- Datto's time to shine... everyone else, break it up, there's nothing to see here...
Warmind Upgrade and a Haircut.. two bits.. #MAKEDESTINYGREATAGAIN
UPDATE - This Space [season] Intentionally Left Blank
He went to Io, looking for answers to questions that bothered him so. He was impressive, young and aggressive.. savin' the world on his own. But the warm Vex breezes, the Fireteam’s whining and cheeses put his ambition at bay. His research and hypotheses shattered like splinters and forty five years slipped away. Then he went to England, played the piano and married an actress named Kim. They had a fine life, she was a good wife and bore him young son named Jim... and all of the answers and all the questions He locked in his attic one day
'cause he liked the quiet clean country livin' and Twenty more years slipped away. Well, the Red War took his baby, Cabal killed his lady and the Vex left him with only one arm. His body was battered, his whole world was shattered and all he could do was just cry. While the tears were falling and he was recalling answers he'd never found... so he hopped on a freighter, skidded the void and left Earth without a sound. Now he lives back on Io, searches the pilings and drinks his green label each day. Writing his Research Papers, losin' his hearin'.. But he don't care what most people say. Through eighty hundred years of perpetual motion, if he likes you he'll smile, and he'll say,
"Assistant, some of it's magic, some of it's tragic, but I had a good life all of the way."
And he went to Io, lookin' for answers to questions that bothered him so…
For more information, tag @JCKellner in the chat.
Upcoming Games
- 06:30 PM PST - MON 03/03
- Xbox
- Lollygagging Tryhards
- Mic required
- 6 Players / 6
"Use your Strand!" (all Strand run)
Make Shoot Of Make Shoot Of#2016 40
JCKellner 40
BirdmanEnFuego 40
krutonmvp 40
Bearfan3417 40
Super O 40
- 06:30 PM PST - WED 03/05
- Xbox
- Lollygagging Tryhards
- Mic required
- 6 Players / 6
- 1 reserve
Witness CP
NonMrdragon21 40
BirdmanEnFuego 40
blissfulmatch 40
Make Shoot Of Make Shoot Of#2016 40
cfrone 32
Stoppingaxe57 40
JCKellner 40 reserve #1
- 06:45 PM PST - THU 03/06
- Xbox
- Lollygagging Tryhards
- Mic required
- 6 Players / 6
10pm EST raid. Vow spoils beforehand
Stoppingaxe57 40
blissfulmatch 40
cfrone 32
JCKellner 40
Bearfan3417 40
NonMrdragon21 40
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