Welcome Guardians! We are an extremely active and friendly group, consisting of members from all across the globe. Regardless of your race, gender, or background, all are welcome here. Our average age is 35. Headsets/Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, JOIN US!
Spread the word about the 100.io group across the Destiny universe by running our Delta Company 247 [DLTA] Bungie clan tags! If you're looking for the raiding party or flawless raider achievements, we can also help with that. Remember to set the Delta Company 247 group as your Xbox clan to receive the clan tag on your in game emblem! Link is in the Members Area
NO DOUBLE BOOKING GAMES - Delete duplicates or edit the game (or the mods will)
BE HONEST ABOUT YOUR LEVEL OF EXPERIENCE - Especially when doing raids.
READ THE GAME RAID NOTES - if the game is not a sherpa run and you have never done the raid in question, please at least ask the game creator if you could join.
FEEL FREE TO SETUP YOUR OWN GAMES asking for sherpas to join you - do not get discouraged if people are not joining you that day, real life is a real thing.
WINDOWS 10 XBOX app & SMARTGLASS app - Use them to quickly get in touch with your fireteam.
NOTE TO GAME CREATORS - If you can't make it to your game, please say so in the game lobby or delete the game! Do not just leave the game and leave everyone hanging and wondering.
USE THE REPORTING FUNCTION - Both on this site and in Destiny. Destiny also has a positive feedback reporting function!
IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS or problems to report in regards to the group or any of it's members, no matter how trivial they may seem, feel free to contact one of the Mods: Jenjunsui, noondie, PTHV