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Bloody Str1ker


hunter, lvl 40, 400 light, relic runner, sword runner, kf relic runner, sherpa, titan, warlock, microphone

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spindle, hunter, touch of malice, father, xbox one, microphone


mic, xb1, all requirements, all maxed up, profanity ok, pve

Zach Rowsdower

hunter, raid, titan, pve, pvp, parent

raider, xbox one, warlock, profanity ok, pve, sherpa

Bloody Str1ker

hunter, lvl 40, 400 light, relic runner, sword runner, kf relic runner, sherpa, titan, warlock, microphone

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Bloody Str1ker


hunter, lvl 40, 400 light, relic runner, sword runner, kf relic runner, sherpa, titan, warlock, microphone

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