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Real guardians start an encounter without knowing what to do.

Hello and welcome to “1v1 Calus Behind Denny’s”! We’re a group of (mostly) casual players of all sorts who are just looking to get sweet validation from Shaxx one day. New to Destiny and looking for a group to show you through? Level 20 and want people to do endgame activities with? Incapable of loading into a Crucible match without wondering aloud what the Traveler smells like? Then this is the group for you!

We are all inclusive, as most of us come from very diverse backgrounds, and we are trying to foster a community where members feel welcome. If this sounds like your type of group/clan, come join us!

We have a zero-tolerance policy for racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or bullying behavior. Members violating this policy will be removed from the group.



profanity ok, parent, sherpa

Upcoming Games

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nightstalker, ps4, microphone, hunter, strikes, bladedancer

space mage, lore junkie, made of sodium

pve, pvp, rotating schedule, profanity ok, git gud 1 day?

ps4, sporadic playing times, raid rookie, hunter, profanity ok, black spindle

profanity ok, parent, sherpa

pvp, college student, profanity ok, pve

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profanity ok, parent, sherpa

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