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division vs destiny vs anthem

ghost icon GHOST CHASERZ
Ghost Chaserz

A Ghost.
Something unseen, untouchable, Intangible. A goal yet to be achieved, a lover yet to be admired. A Destination yet to be ventured forth into...

We are Guardians, Dedicated to pursuing the Ghosts that haunt our dreams. Embarking on the never ending struggle that is the burden of every Ghost. To be invisible in a world full of specters, standing in the mists of the galaxy. We look back out into the universe and realize our Destiny lies in the stars.

Become what you may already be. Ghost Chaserz The brotherhood will be waiting.

video icon CLIP OF THE WEEK


profanity ok, pve, sherpa

Upcoming Games

  • 12:00 PM PST - SUN 02/23
  • PSN
  • Ghost Chaserz
  • Mic required
  • 3 Players / 6

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profanity ok, pve, sherpa

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