- Activity Score: 1197
- No Show Rate: 0%
- 53 Years Old
- Central Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekdays Latenight and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours: 10+
- Profanity OK
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- 08:00 PM PST - FRI 02/21
- Dexter's Midnight Raiders
- Mic required
- 5 Players / 6
Raid starting from the beginning and getting as far as we can in four hours. Will open this to the public if we don't hit six.
Dexter345 40
Alindawyl Alindawyl#9989 1
Solid_Snake1018 40
tau-lepton 40
Daynno 40
- 08:00 PM PST - FRI 02/14
- Dexter's Midnight Raiders
- Mic required
- 4 Players / 6
Valentine's Day raid! Starting from the beginning to see how far we can get in ~4 hours. If we don't fill up by Thursday, I'm going to open this up to the public. PlayStation preferred for party chat.
Dexter345 40
Solid_Snake1018 40
Alindawyl Alindawyl#9989 1
tau-lepton 40
pvp, defender titan, pve, warlock - can't jump, d2-sentinel
casual, pve, pvp, parent
fun, pve, parent
nightstalker, striker, defender, sunbreaker, titan master race, pvp
sherpa, pve, pvp, hunter main, titan alt
titan, mostly pve
voted most likely to die first, quick learner, profanity ok, patient, prone to get wife aggro
the roundel ghost, sherpa
raid ninja, raider, student, pve, sherpa, pvp