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Full run for the red border quest. May the red borders drop a plenty.

Second encounter Master Challenge. Hopefully, we have a good burn. Lord of Wolves go brrrrrrr....

Another full run. Another disappointment for Grim.

Grim is still on that hunt for the exotic. Full run because I'm still missing armor pieces as well.

This week, Grim will stop throwing. He's throwing on that ugly hat and getting all the DPS with grenades.

There's only one Encounter triumph left. I guess we saved the best for last. If you thought you hated verity, you're about to be very disgusted.



sherpa, epic mod, alpha clan admin


profanity ok, pve, raids, single parent, mic, pvp

Drummer Craig

chill, parent, pve, there should be a triumph for dying the most...

Firefly Wave

chill, fun, pve, pvp, titan, profanity ok


profanity encouraged, warlock, hunter, titan


raider, all classes, parent, microphone

parents, parent, microphone, pve, us pacific time


profanity ok, pve, pvp, veteran raider