Been here since D1 beta. Used to be all about the PvE but lately its PvP, but now that there seems to be a reason to grind the raids and nightfalls will probably get into them too. Can hold my own. For 20 bucks, you can hold it too.
- Activity Score: 159
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Male 47 Years Old
- Auckland
- Usually plays Weekday Mornings and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours: 10+
- Profanity OK
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hunter, titan, raider, ps4, warlock
mic, raider
hunter, warlock, microphone, titan, raider
microphone, ps4, hunter pvp
titan, ps4
profanity ok, flightless as ever, parent
parent, ps4, microphone, titan, usarmy
titan, sherpa, warlock, ps4, sunsinger, hunter
titan, warlock, microphone